April 18, 2016

Market position

The company has its own market placed between the major rail manufacturers (engaged mostly “in high speed” and the large-scale manufacturing of locomotives and metro) and small companies working mainly as subcontractors or in revamping of railways vehicles  in general without, a own technical design department.

Currently the company is able to supply a locomotive characterized by a competitive price, even compared to other vehicles coming from emerging industrial countries, and this thanks to our assembly technology, simple, reliable and innovative with respect to the competition.

In addition, the company is among the few companies in the world to have a project tested in the sector of the monorails and the only one with continuous adherence control system (patented). economically competitive and able to move in the urban and suburban areas.  with the possibility to enter in curves of 30 m of radi and exceeding gradients over 12%. Furthermore, our Monorail system less energy consumption than competitio